
Ibrahim Akubat


Ibrahim has been teaching at Newman University since 2011. Prior to this he worked at Coventry University and the University of Hull where he also completed his PhD focusing on Monitoring training load in team sports. His research interests encompass various topics (athlete monitoring, nutrition, performance in the heat) in sport performance across different sports (Team & Individuals) and levels (elite, academy & amateur). This has included work with international soccer and cricket teams in team sports and professional cycling teams in individual sports. He is currently the course leader for the BSc sport and exercise science and in charge of the HPL@Newman (a consultancy service) running from our human performance laboratory. Ibrahim also plays an active role in BASES (British Association of Sport & Exercise Scientists) and is currently a board member and chair of the sport & performance division.

Current Administrative Duties

Ibrahim is in charge of the staff-student consultation committee and also deals with sports science collaborations with external partners alongside his role as course leader for Sport & Exercise Science


Research Interests

Ibrahim has written a chapter in a prestigious book (Fitness in Soccer) which is read by fitness coaches around the world. He continues to pursue his own research interest in training load monitoring and performance through his; own research, consultancy with professional athletes and teams, supervision of postgraduate students and collaboration with leading sport technology companies. To date he has published numerous research articles in soccer, cycling, rugby and Gaelic sports as well as regularly presenting work at conferences and workshops.

Current Teaching

Areas of interest include health and wellbeing, human movement and exercise physiology.


Other Activities

Membership of Professional Organizations

  • British Association of Sport and Exercise Scientists (BASES)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

