James Adie is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at 佪圖app (BNU). Prior to joining BNU in November 2023, James worked as a Lecturer at Liverpool Hope University (LHU; 2009-2013) and Senior Lecturer at Coventry University (2013-2023), and held external examiner positions at the Universities of Worcester (2016-2020) and East Anglia (2016-2021). He has over 15 years demonstrable academic leadership experience; successfully overseeing and contributing to the learning, teaching and assessment of UG and PG students on multiple psychology modules and programmes (including distance learning). James holds a postgraduate certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, and is recognised as a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).
His PhD, awarded from the University of Birmingham in 2009, focussed on understanding the motivational processes underpinning psychological well-being among sport performers. He continues to lead, collaborate and supervise research projects, primarily on motivation, personality and well-being in sport and education settings. A separate line of inquiry concerns understanding effective pedagogical practice in Higher Education.
With an interest in applied social psychology, James is passionate about understanding the motivational determinants that relate to (dis)engagement among individuals participating in achievement (or performance-related) contexts (e.g., sport, education). Other research areas of interest include:
Stress and Burnout
Learning and Teaching
Psychological well-being
James has teaching interests in research methods, social psychology, positive and applied psychology (e.g., health, sport and exercise psychology). He leads and supervises on the dissertation modules for the MSc Psychology programmes, and his wider teaching contribution spans across both the MSc and undergraduate psychology programmes.
Membership of Professional Organisations
- Full BPS Member of the Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society (CPsychol.)
- Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPsS)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Conferences and Other Research Activity
Externally Examined 4 PhD theses (Universities of Birmingham x 2, Western Australia, East Anglia)
Invited research talks/guest lectures (University of Birmingham, Loughborough University, University of Valencia)
1 PhD completion (Director of Studies; Coventry University)
1 current PhD student (external supervisor; Northampton University)
Reviewed for over 15 different International Journals
Research income generation: Awarded 瞿40,000 research grant to evaluate the Premier League Reading Stars school initiative (Coventry University, led by Professor Clare Wood, and funded by the National Literacy Trust)
Other Activities
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Waldeck, D., Smyth, C., Riva, P., Adie, J.W., Holliman, A. & Tyndall, I. (2023). Who is more likely to feel chronically ostracized? A latent class analysis of personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI: .
Mulvenna, M., Adie J. W., & Tramontano, C. (2023). Self-based Goals, underlying reasons, performance and discrete emotions among parkrunners. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1017836,泭 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1017836
Hughes, D., Adie, J.W. Kratsiotis, I.K., Bartholomew, K.J., Bhakta, R., & Martindale, J. (2023). Dark Personality Traits and Psychological Need Frustration Explain Future Levels of Student Satisfaction, Engagement, and Performance. Learning and Individual Differences, 103, 102273.
Waldeck, D., Pancani, L., Morris, E. M., Adie, J., Holliman, A., & Tyndall, I. (2022). Perceived ostracism and paranoia: A test of potential moderating effects of psychological flexibility and inflexibility.泭泭Current Psychology.泭
Mulvenna, M., Adie, J.W., Sage, L., Wilson, N. & Howat, D. (2020). Approach-achievement goals and motivational context on psycho-physiological functioning and performance among novice basketball players. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 51, 101714. DOI:
Mirbahai, L. & Adie, J.W. (2020). Applying the utility index to review single best answer questions in medical education assessment. Archives of Epidemiology and Public Health, 1, 1-5. DOI: 10.15761/AEPH.1000113
Jowett, S., Adie, J., Bartholomew, K., Yang, S., Gustafsson, H., & Lopez-Jim矇nez, A. (2017). Motivational processes in the coach-athlete relationship: A multi-cultural self-determination approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 32, 143-152. DOI:
Wakefield, C., Adie J., Pitt E., Owens T. (2014) Feeding forward from summative assessment: The Essay Feedback Checklist as a learning tool. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 39, 253-262.
Wakefield, C. J. & Adie, J. W. (2012). Evaluating Teaching in Sport Psychology through Action Research. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure Sport and Tourism Education, 11, 125-130.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2012). Coach autonomy support, basic need satisfaction, and well-being among elite youth soccer participants: A longitudinal approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 51-59.
Adie, J. W. & Wakefield, C. J. (2011). Perceptions of different teaching styles, engagement and burnout symptoms among University Students on a Sports-Related Degree Programme in the UK. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure Sport and Tourism Education, 10, 74-84.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2010). Achievement goals, competition appraisals and the well- and ill-being of elite youth soccer players over two competitive seasons. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 32, 555-579.
Adie, J.W. & Jowett, S. (2010). Meta-perceptions of the coach-athlete relationship, achievement goals and intrinsic motivation among sport participants. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 40, 2750-2773.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2008). Autonomy support, basic need satisfaction and the optimal functioning of adult male and female sport participants: A test of basic needs theory. Motivation and Emotion, 32, 189-199.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2008). Achievement goals, competition appraisals, and the psychological and emotional welfare of sport participants. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, 302-322.
Chapters in Books
Adie, J.W. & Bartholomew, K. J. (2013). The well- and ill-being of participants in competitive sport settings: A review of motivational determinants. In C. Mohiyeddini (Ed.), Advances in Psychology of Sports and Exercise: New Research (pp. 109-140). NY: Nova Publishers.
Conference Communications
Mulvenna, M., Adie, J. W., & Sage, L. (2019). The effects of other-referenced achievement goals and motivational context on the self-efficacy, hope, and hopelessness of novice participants in a table football competition. Poster presented at the seventh Self-Determination Theory Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Mulvenna, M., Adie, J. W., & Sage, L. (2018). Intrapersonal goals, underlying reasons and emotional-well-being among parkrunners: A prospective design. Oral presentation at European College of Sport Science (ECSS) Congress.
Mulvenna, M., Adie, J. W., Sage, L., Wilson, N., & Howat, D. (2017). The effects of achievement goals and motivational context on psychological functioning and sport performance: An experimental investigation. Oral presentation at British Association Sports and Exercise Sciences (BASES) and European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) combined conference, Nottingham.
Adie, J., Jowett, S., Bartholomew, K., Yang, S., Gustafsson, H., & Lopez-Jim矇nez, A. (2017). Motivational processes in the coach-athlete relationship: A multi-cultural self-determination approach. Orally presented at the International Society of Sport Psychology World Congress, Seville, Spain.
Mulvenna, M., Adie, J. W., Sage, L., Wilson, N., & Howat, D. (2016). The effects of achievement goals and the motivational context on the psycho-physiological functioning of sport participants. Poster presented at British Psychological Society (BPS), Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology (DSEP) Annual Conference, Cardiff.
Adie, J.W., Sage, L, & Wakefield, C.J. (2016). The effects of imagery on the performance and well-being of participants during a psycho-motor task under different motivational conditions. Orally presented at the sixth Self-Determination Theory Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada.
Adie, J.W., Turner, M., Slater, M. & Lawson, J. (2015). Using the TCTSA to explore athletes temporal approach to performance. Poster presented at the fifth Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology conference, Leeds.
Adie, J.W (2015). Perceptions of peer climate, self-motivation and engagement among HE students. Presented at the international SELF conference, Kiel, Germany.
Adie, J.W. & Bartholomew, K.J. (2013). An integrated model of motivation, well- and ill-being in sport. Poster presented at the fourth Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology conference, Manchester.
Kaywcz, S. K., Adie, J.W., & Molyneux, R.泭 (2013). Psychological effects of injury severity in team-sports. Poster presented at the fourth Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology conference, Manchester.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., & Ntoumanis, N. (2012). The daily role of basic psychological needs and well-being in an elite youth soccer environment: A self-determination approach. Poster presented at the British Psychological Society Annual Conference, London.
Wakefield, C. J., Adie, J. W., Pitt, E. (2012). Feeding forward from summative assessment: The effective feedback checklist on grade performance. Invited speaker at the Annual Learning and Teaching Week, Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, UK.
Jowett, S., Yang, S.X., Gustaffson, H., Adie, J.W., & Lopez-Jimenez, A. (2011). Coach-athlete relationships, basic need satisfaction, self-determined motivation, and psychological well-being across diverse cultural contexts. Presented at the 13th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Portugal, Madeira.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2009). Coach Autonomy Support, basic need satisfaction, and well-being among elite youth soccer participants: A longitudinal approach. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Austin, Texas.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., & Ntoumanis, N. (2007). Approach and Avoidance achievement goals, appraisals of sport competition and the psychological welfare of elite junior soccer players: A longitudinal analysis. Oral presentation at the 12th European Congress of Sport Psychology, Halkidiki, Greece.
Adie, J.W., & Duda, J.L. (2006). Multiple achievement goals, appraisals of sport competition, and indices of well-being. Oral presentation at the 21st annual conference of the Applied Association for the Advancement in Sport Psychology, Miami, FL.
Adie, J.W., Duda, J.L., Ntoumanis, N. (2006). Environmental factors, basic need satisfaction and subjective well-being among adult team sport athletes. Oral presentation at the annual conference of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, Denver, COL. Funded by Radcliffe Foundation for Conference Travel of Post-graduate students.
Adie, J.W. & Duda, J.L. (2005). Aspects of the social psychological environment and well-being among team sport athletes: An examination of potential mechanisms. Oral presentation at the annual student conference of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwth.
Adie, J.W. & Jowett, S. (2005). Exploring relational and motivational processes on affective outcomes in track and field athletics. Symposium presentation (Interpersonal relationships in sport and exercise settings) at the Quinquennial conference of British Psychological Society, University of Manchester.