After working as a clinical front-line nurse in both accident and emergency and custodial healthcare, Matt moved into higher education to pursue his interest of developing high quality education for future generations of health care professionals.
He is highly innovative; having developed, delivered and evaluated a number of novel learning and teaching initiatives across a career spanning three higher education institutions including the use of simulated practice, creation of reusable learning objects and online virtual learning environments.
Matt has spearheaded several opportunities to encourage learner engagement, such as peer-review and the creation of a student vocational education placement scheme, where students could create their own learning opportunities. He has significant experience in designing and delivering blended learning, and also helping Faculty to develop their knowledge and skills in this area.
Matt has a keen interest in inter-professional education, particularly focusing on the use of problem-based learning and simulation to promote authenticity and student engagement in the learning experience. He has extensive experience of curriculum design, approval, validation and quality assurance across nursing and allied health programmes for the HEI sector.
Matt is active in the development of simulation as an educational methodology; both to improve the student experience and promote safer clinical practice. He has had involvement with the strategic development of simulation through several organisations has included the: Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM), Association for Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH), and currently the International Nursing Association for Clinical and Simulated Learning (INACSL).
Research Interests
Matts research interests lie within the use of clinical simulation to effectively enhance and augment clinical practice experiences, and how simulation can be used to prepare and consolidate students learning in clinical practice.
Membership of Professional Organisations:
Matt maintain his registration as a Registered Nurse with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and is a registered nurse (adult) and registered nurse teacher. He is also a member of the Royal College of Nursing. Matt is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and he is also an inducted member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing which recognises global contribution to the furtherance of nursing as a profession.
Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership, University of Wolverhampton, 2020
Masters in Higher Education with Distinction, Birmingham City University, 2010 (with distinction)
Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education Birmingham City University, 2008
Certificate in Higher Education, Birmingham City University, 2006
Bachelor of Science in Clinical Nursing Studies, 2003, University of Wolverhampton (2:1)
English National Board Nursing, ENB 998 Teaching and Assessing Course (City University London, 1998)
Diploma in Higher Education with Registered Nurse (Adult), 1997, University of Wolverhampton
Other Activities
Conference presentations
Hensman, M., Buckley, S., Thomas, S., Holland, A.., Dudley, R., Coleman, J., Aldridge, M., Valler-Jones, T., Morley, D., Reay, C., Oral presentation at altogether better health conference, Sydney 6th-9th April 2010.Inter-professional learning in simulated practice settings: a case study in collaboration between three Universities and four NHS Trusts in the West Midlands
Malkin, B., Aldridge M., Nevin G,. Enhancing Basic Life Support skills through self-directed study and electronic assessment: presented at the European Resuscitation council scientific symposium: 2-3rd October 2009
Winterman E., Cash S., Aldridge M., Wynne N., Yardley L.. (2007). Oral presentation at the Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine. Copehagen, Denmark Constructively aligning multiple modality simulation within a pre-registration nursing curriculum.
Wynne N., Jovanovic F., Aldridge M., Winterman E. Oral presentation at the Association of Learning Technology (ALT-C) Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh. Assessing the design, functionality and reusability of a multimedia patient assessment simulation. The Virtual Ward. 5th September 2006
Aldridge, M. Designing and delivering simulation sessions. A workshop delivered at Northumbria University during the Laerdal Simulation User Network (SUN) event, 3rd October 2013.
Aldridge, M. Theories behind simulation: an art or a science? Oral presentation. SESAM, 2013, Paris, France.
Aldridge, M. Designing simulation Scenarios, workshop at. SESAM, 2013, Paris France.
Begg, P., Kendrick, M., Aldridge, M. Inter-Professional Learning – Simulation Based Approach Poster presentation at SESAM 2013, Paris, France, 14th June 2013.
Aldridge, M., Brand, S., Ker, J., Millard, L. Education Vocation Scholarship Scheme. A collaborative student-focused project between Birmingham City University and the University of Dundee. A poster presented at the 2nd Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Conference, Birmingham City University, 6th-7th July 2010.
Aldridge, M., Brand S., Burns, H., A Partnership Approach to the Delivery and Evaluation of Clinical Simulation in the Nursing Curriculum: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective. Conference presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International: Biennial conference, Indianapolis, USA.
Aldridge, M., Burns, H., Leading Curriculum Change through a Partnership Approach to the Use of Simulation: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective. Conference presentation at Sigma Theta Tau International: Biennial conference, Indianapolis, USA, 2009.
Wynne, N., Winterman., E, Aldridge, M. (2009). Creating an educational framework for simulation: A constructively aligned multiple-modality approach: presentation by invitation Laerdal Simulation Conference, Simulated Practice Hours in Nurse Education, Cardiff. May 2009.
Aldridge M., Brand S., Millard M. A region wide project to scope the current and future use of clinical skills and simulation. An oral presentation to the 3rd international clinical skills conference, Prato Italy July 2nd 2009
Wynne, N., Winterman, E., Aldridge, M. (2009) Multi-modal simulation: Workshop by invitation National Association of Medical Simulators annual conference. November 2009
Ker J., ONeill A., Skinner J., Aldridge M., Morse G, Stevenson J., Cachia P.. Developing regional priorities as part of an inter-professional clinical skills strategy using simulated scenarios. An interactive workshop delivered at the 3rd international clinical skills conference, Prato Italy July 1st and 2nd 2009 (three iterations).
Wynne N., Aldridge M., Goode J., Heinrichs B., Yardley L. A post-graduate nursing Course at the International meeting of the Society of Simulation in Healthcare (SSH). San Diego, California. January 13th 2008.
Aldridge, M., Wynne N., Winterman E.(2007).泭 Interactive workshop at the SimTect 2007 simulation in healthcare conference, Brisbane, Australia. Constructively alignment of simulation activities within a pre-registration nursing curriculum.
Wynne, N., Aldridge, M. (2006) Virtual Ward: The application and development of an inter-modular real world environment within health care education. The 8th RCN Joint Education Forums conference and exhibition, Education – Partners in Practice, 22 24 February 2006, Cardiff
Large, C., Aldridge, M. (2018). Non-technical skills required to recognise and escalate patient deterioration in acute hospital settings. . Nursing Management, 2018 May 30; 25(2):24-30.
Aldridge, M., Jevons, P. (2014). Resuscitation trolley contents 1: cardiac arrest equipment to support airway. . Nursing Times; , 110: 30, 12-15.
Aldridge, M., Jevons, P. (2014). Resuscitation trolley contents 2:. Nursing Times, 30.07.14/ Vol 110 No 31 /
Aldridge, M., Wanless, G. (2013). Developing Healthcare skills through simulation. Sage, London,
Wanless, G., Aldridge, M. Continuous Lateral Rotation Therapy (CLRT): A review. . Nursing in Critical Care. , 2012 Jan-Feb; 17(1):28-35
Aldridge, M. in Sensmeier, J. (2011). The Power of Ten 2011-2013 - Nurse Leaders address the profession's ten most pressing issues. . Ten Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis,
Aldridge, M., Gregory, T., Burnside, C., Hopkins, H., Nevin, G. (2010). Using Clinical Simulation to Promote Undergraduate Inter-professional Learning: a s(t)imulating experience. . Synergy (Journal of the Society of Radiographers). ,
Aldridge, M. in Jevon, P. (2010). Medicines management (Essential clinical skills for nurses). Miscellaneous routes of medication administration. Wiley-Blackwell.,
Aldridge, M in in Jevon, P. (2009). Measuring blood glucose: Clinical skills for student nurses. . Oxford University Press.,